Team Bulawayo is an award-winning comedy duo founded in 2014 by Futurelove Sibanda and Vusa Mkhaya. Both were sitting at the Vienna International Airport on the 27th December 2014 on their way to Italy performing a show in Rome.
While waiting at the airport they were watching videos on Facebook and YouTube and decided there and there to record their own videos using an iPhone and upload them online on social media.
Futurelove Sibanda and Vusa Mkhaya decided on that day to call themselves Team Bulawayo. Both had the idea to have fun with other Zimbabweans especially those in the diaspora who are missing home and also need a good laugh after a hard day at work.
Team Bulawayo distribute their hilarious videos on Facebook and WhatsApp because they believe that these two platforms are accessible and available to almost every adult for free and they can share the videos to their friends and families without paying any fees.
YithiAbantu – NdisuAvo by Team Bulawayo feat. Dj Sticha
In 2015 Team Bulawayo released their first hit-single YithiAbantu – NdisuAvo, which became viral on social media and YouTube.
Music: Vusa Mkhaya
Lyrics: Vusa Mkhaya & Futurelove Sibanda A.K.A Team Bulawayo
Programming: Dj Sticha
Guitar: Pascal Lupongo
Vocals & Guitar Recorded by Ramadu @ 10th District Studio
Mixed & Mastered by Ramadu @ 10th District Studio
Produced by Team Bulawayo & Dj Sticha Mkhaya Music Production 2015